I am a freelance software developer located in Bonn, Germany. I offer services for a wide range of technologies, ranging from embedded system development over web and mobile to real-time 3D graphics rendering. Here you can read more about my previous projects.
I have a master's degree in computer science from the RWTH Aachen University. Next to my studies, I worked as a freelancer and as a founding member of Upvoid, a startup specializing in real-time 3D graphics with voxel technology. Read more about my time at Upvoid here.
I am working as a software developer since 2012, most of the time as a freelancer. From mid-2017 to early 2020 I have worked as a researcher at the embedded software institute of RWTH Aachen for 2.5 years. My main responsibility was a research project for a large automobile company. The institute's research focus is on model-based formalisms for safety-critical software on embedded systems.
I am currently open for new projects. If you are looking for an experienced senior software developer with a wide range of skills, please do not hesitate to contact me.